Fresh flowers have the power to brighten up any space, adding a touch of nature's beauty to our homes and lives. However, as much as we adore them, flowers have a finite lifespan. When they start to wilt, it can be disheartening to even think about discarding them. But the good news is that you don't have to! If you’re not sure what to do with dead flowers, keep reading.

    There are many creative and eco-friendly ways to repurpose those dead flowers, preserving their charm and memories. In this guide, we'll explore pressed flowers, bouquet preservation, and more to help you make the most of your flowers.

    What to Do With Dead Flowers

    Wilted pink Flower Bouquet

    Create a Paperweight

    A paperweight can be a timeless keepsake. To begin making one, choose your favourite blossoms from the bouquet, press them between heavy books for a few days.

    Then, encase them in resin or clear acrylic. This way, you'll have a decorative piece that holds the essence of your flowers.

    Frame Them

    Pressed flowers can become beautiful pieces of dried flower art when framed. After pressing your flowers, arrange them on a piece of cardstock and frame them in a shadow box. This makes for unique and personalized wall decor or a meaningful gift.

    Create Dry Flower Arrangements

    Don't let your faded blooms go to waste. Instead, dry them out and create a dry flower arrangement. These arrangements can bring a touch of nature into your home for months, if not years, to come.

    Make Candles

    Dead flowers next to candle against wooden panel backdrop

    Transform your dead flowers into stunning candles. By adding dried petals to melted wax and pouring it into molds, you can create custom candles that retain the elegance of your bouquet.

    Create Flower Petal Beads

    If you're a jewelry enthusiast, consider making flower petal beads. Boil the petals until they become pliable, and then mold them into beads.

    These petal beads can be used in necklaces, bracelets, or earrings, making for unique accessories.

    Make Potpurri


    Crafting potpourri is a fantastic way to add fragrance to your space while preserving the beauty of your bouquet. Dry out the flowers, mix them with essential oils, and let them infuse your home with a delightful scent.

    Create a Flower Wreath

    For a seasonal decoration, craft a flower wreath. You can attach dried flowers to a grapevine wreath with floral wire, creating an attractive addition to your front door or interior decor.

    Make a Scented Spray

    Keep the memory of your flowers alive by creating a scented spray. Combine dried petals, essential oils, and water in a spray bottle. Use this fragrant spray to freshen up your living spaces or linens.

    Use Them as Confetti

    Roses and flower confetti in water

    Planning a special event? Replace traditional confetti with dried flower petals. It's an eco-friendly and visually appealing choice for weddings, birthdays, or any celebration.

    Compost Them

    For those seeking the most eco-friendly option, composting is ideal. Dead flowers can enrich your compost pile, contributing nutrients to your garden soil.

    Create a Phone Case

    Customize your phone case by incorporating dried flowers. Place them between a clear case and your phone, giving your device a unique and personalized look.

    How to Press Flowers for Framing

    Pressing flowers is a simple yet effective way to preserve their beauty. Lay the flowers between two sheets of absorbent paper and place them in a heavy book.

    Let them dry for a couple of weeks. Once pressed, you can frame them or use them in various crafts.

    What to Do With Pressed Flowers

    Pressed flowers offer endless creative possibilities. Use them in scrapbooking, card-making, or even as bookmarks.

    Combine them with your favorite materials to craft intricate designs that capture the essence of your bouquet.

    How to Preserve a Rose

    Pink roses on black backdrop

    Roses hold a special place in our hearts. If you received a meaningful rose from someone special and wish to preserve it, here’s how to dry rose petals and roses:

    Prepare the Roses

    Carefully remove any thorns, leaves, or damaged petals from the rose. Make sure it's in the best possible condition for preservation. Then, choose from the following three methods of preservation:

    Dry the Rose Petals

    To preserve the petals, gently pluck them from the rose and lay them out in a single layer on a clean, dry surface.

    Keep them out of direct sunlight in a cool, dark place, allowing them to air dry for approximately two weeks. Store the dried petals in an airtight container.

    Press the Whole Rose

    For preserving the entire rose, place it between layers of absorbent paper, like blotting paper or tissue. Press the rose within the pages of a heavy book.

    Ensure even distribution of petals and applying weight by stacking more books on top. Allow it to press for two to three weeks until fully dry.

    Frame the Rose

    If you wish to frame the preserved rose, select an appropriate frame. Place the pressed rose in the frame, secure it, and seal it properly to protect it from dust and moisture.

    How to Dry Flowers for Resin


    Drying flowers for resin is an excellent way to capture their beauty in a transparent medium. Once encased in resin, these flowers can be turned into various decorative items or jewelry.

    Prepare the Flowers

    Carefully detach the flowers from their stems if needed. Lay them in a single layer on a parchment paper-lined tray. Allow the flowers to air dry in a cool, dry area for around two weeks, avoiding direct sunlight and humidity.

    Prepare Your Workspace

    Create a clean and well-ventilated workspace, covering surfaces to catch any resin spills. Make sure you have all the necessary materials at hand.

    Prepare the Resin

    Follow the manufacturer's instructions for mixing and preparing the resin. This typically involves combining the resin and hardener in the correct proportions.

    Begin by pouring a small amount of resin into your chosen mold or bezel to create a base layer. Gently place the dried flowers onto this resin layer, arranging them to your desired pattern.

    Carefully pour more resin over the flowers, ensuring they are fully submerged.

    Cure the Resin

    Cover the mold or bezel to protect it from dust and let the resin cure as per the manufacturer's instructions. This usually involves allowing it to sit undisturbed for 24 to 48 hours.

    Add Finishing Touches

    Once the resin has fully cured, you can trim any excess resin, sand the edges for a polished finish, and attach jewelry components if you're creating jewelry.

    How to Preserve Wedding Bouquet

    Wedding bouquets laid flat on wood

    Preserving your wedding bouquet is a cherished tradition. Follow the steps mentioned above, such as pressing, framing, or creating a paperweight, to keep your wedding flowers alive in memory.

    Conclusion: Flower Preservation

    In conclusion, knowing what to do with dead flowers can help you repurpose your wilting bouquet. Use these creative and eco-friendly methods to bring your dead flowers back to life, preserving their beauty and memories.

    By preserving your flowers, you'll not only enjoy their beauty for longer but also contribute to a sustainable and eco-friendly future by appreciating nature's gifts.

    The next best thing to do with dead flowers is replace them! Treat yourself or surprise a loved one with a fresh floral arrangement. Get it delivered today to your doorstep with same-day delivery.