VDay - 100 Roses Bouquet


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    Introducing our exclusive Valentine's Day bouquet, the "100 Roses Bouquet" edition, designed to leave your beloved spellbound. Prepare to be captivated by the breathtaking combination of red roses forming a heart shape, embellished with delicate pink roses.

    Order the "100 Roses Bouquet" today and let its magnificent beauty become a symbol of your love. Celebrate the magnitude of your relationship and create cherished memories that will last a lifetime. With this extraordinary bouquet, love blossoms in its most grand and awe-inspiring form, making your Valentine's Day truly unforgettable.

    Visit us in-store or shop online.

    We deliver to Toronto, Vaughan, Richmond Hill, Markham, Woodbridge, North York, Oakville, Mississauga, Etobicoke, Brampton, and other cities in the Greater Toronto Area. Check out our delivery fees HERE.
    Deliveries are Monday - Saturday.
    You can order until10:00AM(EST) forsame-daydelivery.
    Please order in advance when possible. We Do NOT accept Returns.