Ultimate Love (100 Roses with White and pink)


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    Ultimate Love bouquet features 100 roses in a combination of white and pink, beautifully wrapped in a special packaging that adds an extra touch of elegance and romance. This boquet is perfect for celebrating special occasions like anniversaries, milestone birthdays, or even a heartfelt proposal. This extraordinary bouquet

    The Ultimate Love bouquet is a grand gesture of love and affection. The abundance of 100 roses represents an abundance of love and devotion, making it an unforgettable gift that will leave a lasting impression on your loved one.

    The combination of white and pink roses symbolizes purity, grace, and admiration, along with a touch of romance and sweetness. Each rose is carefully selected for its beauty and freshness, ensuring that the bouquet exudes an air of luxury and sophistication.


    At La Belle Fleur Floral & Décor, we understand the importance of creating unforgettable moments through our floral arrangements. Our experienced floral designers meticulously arrange each rose with care and precision, ensuring that every detail is perfect.


    Visit us in-store or shop online.

    We deliver to Toronto, Vaughan, Richmond Hill, Markham, Woodbridge, North York, Oakville, Mississauga, Etobicoke, Brampton, and other cities in the Greater Toronto Area. Check out our delivery fees HERE.
    Deliveries are Monday - Saturday.
    You can order until10:00AM(EST) forsame-daydelivery.
    Please order in advance when possible. We Do NOT accept Returns.