Scarlet Red Roses Bouquet (50 Roses)


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    Same-day delivery for orders before 10:00 AM

    Our stunning 50 Red Roses Bouquet, accompanied by baby's breath and adorned with a sophisticated black wrapping. This opulent bouquet showcases the elegance and passion, making it a perfect choice for occasions such as birthdays, proposals, or simply as a gesture of love and appreciation.

    The red roses symbolize deep affection and romance, while the baby's breath adds a touch of delicate charm. The black wrapping adds a sense of sophistication and drama, enhancing the overall impact of the bouquet.

    Celebrate love and joy with our 50 Red Roses Bouquet, a magnificent gift that speaks volumes without saying a word.

    Visit us in-store or shop online.

    We deliver to Toronto, Vaughan, Richmond Hill, Markham, Woodbridge, North York, Oakville, Mississauga, Etobicoke, Brampton, and other cities in the Greater Toronto Area. Check out our delivery fees HERE.
    Deliveries are Monday - Saturday.
    You can order until10:00AM(EST) forsame-daydelivery.
    Please order in advance when possible. We Do NOT accept Returns.